The world was created perfect in the first days, but because sin was get into the process, a lot of mess had been done to make it not safe and secure to live. Besides many opportunities and convenience this world can offer, nothing can equal the situation and scenario God had prepared for each one in the new earth. People thinks that the life God given for us to cherish was the life we posses at present, the scriptures says that the life we will cherish for long period of time will yet to come when Jesus will arrive for the second time. Maybe we are worried and afraid on the present situation that are taking place. But don't be afraid and losing hope, these things are signs of his soon coming, this world will not exist for long, we're passers by in this place and it is not our permanent dwelling, are you not happy hearing or knowing that God has something for us better than what we have today? Remember that it is not the money or things this world can offer that will make us satisfied and complete, it is by having life that will not end that will make anybody satisfied, it is the kind of life that you will not grow old and no anxieties, it is the kind of life that you will live forever with your love ones, it is the kind of life that you don't need money or anything to be use in exchange for things that you need.