Some say the following story is true. I don't know if it is, but the message & morale it ‘TEACHES’ us are
crystal clear & very real in my opinion. We can ALL ‘Learn’ a Whole Lot from this story of a business man & the mysterious old man he met one day... after all ‘Learn’ is “L" & "Earn”
A Business Executive was ‘Deep I n Debt’ & just couldn’t see a ‘Way Out’. His creditors was ‘Closing-In’ on him, his phone wouldn’t stop ringing with Demands for Payments that he couldn’t ‘Pay Up’. One day, he went to the park & sat on the bench, wondering if Life is still ‘Worth Living’, if he should ‘Give-Up’ & declare ‘Bankruptcy’. That was when an ‘Old Man’ with a kind face walked-over to him & said, oh my, Son,