We are all belong to a church, maybe some of us are daily church goers, others are occasional, and the rest do not go. Churches are built for a purpose, we keep different rest day and principles, then follow what we believed is God’s command.
Some of us have castle mentality for being member of church, castle mentality in sense that they strictly follow the things that they believed are the basis and principle to follow in order to be saved, criticize and penalized members who can’t follow the guidelines, church was built beautifully inside a secured and walled area or ground.
Others has resort mentality, they want a church that is lively and happy, build in an open area and not secluded and is noticeable and accessible to anybody. The members are party lovers. They are not strict in following principles; they ignore the wrong acts of members so that their number will become greater, they promote prosperity and seldom condemn members. The members just attend Sabbath but don’t keep it the way it was stated in Exodus 20:8.
Next mentalities are seeking and save. In this kind of mentality, members value each other, they gave time and share effort, they let every member participate in a manner that they can take it, utilize every talent to glorify God. They understand the sacrifice of Jesus that He had done to save human, they spread message and let others know and feel the love that Jesus would like to extend to everyone, and they exist and go to church not only for their own benefit but for everybody. They care for each other ,they are sympathetic , principles are not the priority, and they carry the burden of saving other people.
It is time to know if where we are, know our church mentality, and check if we are in the right track in following Jesus way. Are we saving ourselves through the Holy Spirit or we are making our own way to please ourselves and enjoy the life we have temporarily in this world. Think and meditate about this before it is too late.. God will bless.